HALIFAX, Nova Scotia-(BUSINESS WIRE- October 21, 2024 edition) When Canadians are injured on the job,…

Notice of Election – CEU Executive board elections for the position of Director
An election to fill five (5) Director positions on the CEU Executive Committee will be held in October 2024.
Nominations for the positions will be OPEN for 10 working days commencing Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024 at 8:30 am.
- Nomination Forms will be available in the Forms folder of the Members Area on the CEU website (www.ceu.ca) OR by contacting the Union Office at 604-278-4050 starting September 3rd.
- All nominations must be in writing (via nomination form) and signed by five (5) members in good standing. Nominations must be sent via email to ac.cb.UEC @yraterceS
- The CEU Secretary will verify the eligibility of the candidates in accordance with Articles 7 and 10 of the CEU’s Constitution.*
Nominations will CLOSE on Tuesday, September 17th at 4:30 pm.
- Prior to closure, candidates must accept nominations in writing (via nomination form) to be emailed to the Secretary.
- Nominations received after 4:30 pm will NOT be eligible.
- Candidates must submit their election bio (mandatory, up to 250 words) and a personal photo (optional) to CEU Secretary via email ac.cb.UEC no later than 4:30 pm on September 17th. @yraterceSot
- Late election bios and nominations will not be accepted.
VOTING will OPEN on Tuesday, October 1stth 2024 for seven working days.
Voting will be done through online ballot. On October 1, the provider (Simply Voting) will send individual emails to all members that will contain a voting link and their unique identifier. When you access the voting site you must enter your unique identifier, which will take you to the ballot page. You will be able to see a picture of the candidate and read their election bio prior to casting your ballot from a link on the ballot page.
Each unique identifier can only cast one ballot. Once a ballot is cast that unique identifier is deactivated, so you cannot change your selection. After you have voted, you will receive a receipt to confirm your vote was accepted by the system.
Voting will CLOSE on Thursday, October 10th at 4:30 pm and the ballot page will be deactivated.
Copies of the CEU Executive Elections Procedures Policy are available upon request. If you have any questions concerning the nomination and/or election process, please contact Erin Guy, CEU Secretary at ac.cb.UEC @yraterceS
* C&B art. 7: in order to be eligible for election to any Executive Officer position in this Union, the nominee must have attended a minimum of 50% of the Union meetings held in his/her locale in the twelve (12) months prior to nomination. Any member may be exempted from the attendance requirement of this Article if they were unable to attend fifty percent (50%) of said meetings because of illness, regular employment, or any other good cause. Any exemption system shall be uniformly and fairly applied.