People & Faces

Events & Anniversaries
Picket Line Support

CEU Executive Road Tours

Day of Mourning – April 28

Red Dress Gathering at Bear Creek Park, Surrey 2019

Bentall Tower Memorial
Each year on January 7th, a memorial is held at Discovery Park directly across the street from the plaza of the Bentall IV Tower to remember Donald Davis, Brian Stevenson, Yrjo Mitrunen, and Gunther Couvreus. These 4 men lost their lives during the construction of the Bentall Tower in 1981. Every year CEU Executives attend the memorial to reflect on the far-reaching impacts of workplace injury and death, and to lay a fresh flower wreath in memory of all workers who have lost their lives due to unsafe work environment.
January 2023, Paul Bergin – CEU Vice President and Howard Lin – CEU Director attended the memorial and laid the CEU wreath in remembrance.

Attending from the CEU in 2017 were Toni Murray and Laura Snow. Also in attendance was retired CEU member, Janice Hanna, who was close friends with one of the victims of the tragedy and attends every year.

Labour Day 2016