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Notice of 2022 Annual General Meeting & Balloting Committee Member Nomination


CEU’s 2022 AGM will be a hybrid meeting (in person and virtual) to be held on Wednesday, October 26th, 2022.


Whether attending in person or virtually, please RSVP via email to the CEU office at
ac.cb.uecobfsctd-9241a5@snoitacinummoc no later than Wednesday, October 12th at 4:30pm. It is critical for virtual attendees to RSVP to ensure that they receive their Simply Voting links.


Wednesday, October 26th, 2022
7:30pm to 9:30pm
Hyatt Regency Hotel, 655 Burrard St, Vancouver, BC;

Refer to hotel lobby information board for boardroom name and location.


Due to the hybrid format, CEU is seeking Balloting Committee Members nominations for 2022-2023 ahead of time. Three (3) members are needed for this Committee. Please email CEU Secretary, Erin Guy, at moc.cbefaskrowobfsctd-928ff7@yug.nire to place your name onto the virtual ballot for voting on October 26th during the AGM. There will also be a call for nominees during the AGM.

In accordance with the CEU Constitution, Article 17 – Proxy Voting, members unable to attend the AGM shall be able to vote by proxy if unable to attend because of medical or dental treatment, absence from work, on leave or vacation, absence from the area due to WCB business, compassionate reasons such as illness of a family member or other good cause. The proxy is in writing via proxy form, attached to this notice.

Please submit completed proxy forms to the CEU Secretary, Erin Guy, at moc.cbefaskrowobfsctd-932b36@yug.nire no later than the RSVP date, Wednesday, October 12th, 2022.


  1. Due to the virtual component of the AGM, members must RSVP to ac.cb.uecobfsctd-97549a@snoitacinummoc by Wednesday, October 12th, 2022 at 4:20pm for virtual attendance to the AGM.
  2. On October 26th, Simply Voting will be sending out a voting link to CEU membership who RSVP to attend the AGM virtually. In person attendees will vote in person.
  3. During the AGM, you will have the opportunity to vote on items including:
    3.1 Motion to destroy 2021 election ballots
    3.2 Motion to appoint Manning & Elliott as 2022 auditor
    3.3 Motion to approve 2021-2022 audited financial report
    4.4 Motion to select new Balloting Committee 2022
  4. AGM Voting will OPEN on Wednesday October 26th, 2022 at 7:30pm and CLOSE on Wednesday October 26, 2022 at 9:30pm (the ballot page will be deactivated).
  5. For members who have RSVP’d that they will be attending virtually, a link will be provided in early October for you to logon to the AGM.

If you have questions or concerns regarding the AGM process, please contact Erin Guy, CEU Secretary at moc.cbefaskrowobfsctd-572b3c@yug.nire.

Members on leaves; or on layoff/recall; or away from the office and unable to access their work email must contact the CEU Office and provide a personal email address in order to receive the virtual AGM link.

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