ELECTIONS CALLED An election to fill five (5) Director positions on the CEU Executive…
Message From The President 2023
Hello CEU Members,
2023 is nearly over and it has been a busy year!
One of the greatest challenges we faced was the extreme weather conditions, including intense wildfires which again affected many of our Members, directly and indirectly. Another ongoing challenge has been heavy workload demands on our Members, and the associated Mental Health consequences. During the past year, you have demonstrated great resiliency and commitment, despite the environmental and systemic barriers that you’ve encountered.
One of the greatest changes in the work environment continues to be work at home. Nearly 95% of you continued to work from home in 2023 and we’ve heard that this is viewed as a cherished benefit. Working from home presented a few challenges but seems to be a more comfortable model now that language has been negotiated in the Collective Agreement.
The CEU Office and Executive Committee has had an exciting year, too. Some of the highlight’s worth noting are:
- The Systemic Workload Reporting Process (“SWRP”) Form was implemented and the Joint Workload Committee has already witnessed some successes from the new process.
- We attended 2 Shop Steward seminars, increasing Steward knowledge and experience. The Stewards elected Chelle Wright to the position of Chair of Shop Stewards in the Fall of 2023.
- The annual Treasurer’s Report summarized the yearly audit reflecting a continued healthy and strong financial portfolio.
- Virtual elections resulted in the following CEU Members being acclaimed/elected into the following 2-year CEU Executive roles:
- Laura Snow – President
- Shane Campbell – Vice President
- Michael Hess – Treasurer
- Erin Guy – Secretary
We thank you for the confidence you continue to show for the CEU Executive Committee with your votes and engagement.
2024 will be busy with bargaining preparation as we start to prepare for the expiration of the current Collective Agreement in 2025 and the negotiation of new terms reflecting our changing world and current work challenges. All Members can expect to receive the Bargaining Survey in late 2024 to collect input into the negotiation package that the Committee will take to the bargaining table in 2025.
As always, please be aware of, and safeguard, your mental health, especially during the holiday season. This time of year can be a difficult time for many people. Please keep in mind that Members have $3,600 per calendar year for Psychological therapy under the extended benefits package negotiated in the Collective Agreement. EFAP is also available for those in distress.
In closing, we want to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to all CEU Members, Shop Stewards, Executive, and Staff for the dedication and work protecting Collective Agreement rights and advancing the interests of all CEU Members.
Whether you are taking a winter vacation or just enjoying the statutory holidays over the next few weeks, may your time be full of warmth and cheer.
In solidarity,
Laura Snow – CEU President