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CEU Annual General Meeting Called

CEU’s Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) will be held on Wednesday, October 25th 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm in the Coast Ballroom at the Coast Hotel Victoria. The meeting will be set up as hybrid Microsoft TEAMS meeting so that members can attend remotely or in person.

To prepare you for the meeting please read the following information about registering for the AGM, Balloting Committee nominations and proxy voting.  

AGM Details

  1. The AGM will be a hybrid meeting using Microsoft TEAMS. The TEAMS meeting will be projected on the screen so the attached documents can be viewed by all members, and everyone can participate in the voting process.
  2. On Friday October 13th we will email you a Microsoft TEAMS meeting invitation with a Register button. Click this button before 4:30 pm Friday October 20th to RSVP so we know whether you’re attending in person or online and to ensure you receive the TEAMS meeting information and link.
  3. Right after you click the register button, on behalf of CEU, Microsoft TEAMS will send you an email that includes the meeting details and the meeting link to join the AGM on October 25th. Save the email so you can open it again to click on the link and join the meeting.
  4. A few minutes before 5:00 pm on Wednesday, October 25th, click on the blue meeting link in the saved email and you will be joined to the Annual General Meeting.

Meeting Agenda includes Executive Reports

  • CEU President
  • CLRO, Kristy Child,
  • CEU Treasurer, Michael Hess, and
  • Chair of Shop Stewards, Shane Campbell

These documents will be reviewed during the AGM meeting. 

  • 2022 AGM meeting minutes (draft)
  • 2022-2023 Treasurer’s Report
  • 2022-2023 Treasurer’s Review of Audited Financial Report
  • 2022-2023 Audit Terminology
  • Compensation Employees Union 2023 Financial Statements

Vote will be taken to approve

  • Finalize 2022 AGM minutes,
  • Approval to destroy the 2022 election ballots,
  • Approval of Manning Elliott as 2022-2023 Auditor
  • Elect three (3) candidates for the balloting committee.

Balloting Committee Nomination

As per Article 10 of the Constitution and Bylaws CEU is seeking members to fill the three (3) positions on the Balloting Committee for the 2023-2024 term. If you are interested in filling one of the positions, please email CEU Secretary, Erin Guy, at moc.cbefaskrowobfsctd-41fddf@yuG.nirEbefore 4:30 pm Friday October 20th to have your name placed on the virtual ballot for voting during the AGM. There will also be a call for nominees during the AGM.  

Proxy Votes

In accordance with the CEU Constitution, Article 17, members unable to attend the AGM due to the reasons below, shall be able to vote by proxy. A completed proxy form, attached to this notice, must be submitted to CEU Secretary, Erin Guy, atmoc.cbefaskrowobfsctd-1e26cb@yuG.nirEbefore 4:30 pm Friday October 20th.

  • Medical or dental treatment; or
  • Absence from work; or
  • On leave or vacation; or
  • Absence from the area due to WCB business; or
  • Compassionate reasons such as illness of a family member or other good cause.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the AGM process, the Balloting Committee nomination, and/or Proxy voting, please contact CEU Secretary, Erin Guy, at moc.cbefaskrowobfsctd-94425a@yuG.nirE.

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